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Bee Hotel

Channon Leathley
York Sheridan Joint Program In Design, Canada
Print / Graphic
Category Top Talent

Bee Hotel is a sustainable and self-contained honeycomb package made of repurposed wood to help provide solitary bees with a safe nesting site. It provides gardeners with the opportunity to help our world’s best pollinators as they face population declines due to habitat loss, disease, and pesticide poisoning.

Bee Hotel is a sustainable and self-contained honeycomb package made of repurposed wood to help provide solitary bees with a safe nesting site. It gives gardeners the opportunity to help our world’s best pollinators as they face population declines due to habitat loss, disease, and pesticide poisoning. The package turns into the product which can be used year after year to support wildlife. Bee Hotel has dual purpose as a safe breeding site and a planter — perfect for cavity-nesting bees that leave food (pollen and nectar) they get from flowers for their offspring.

Illustrator was the main design tool used for this project. It was used in the creation of illustrations, templates for boxes, seed packets, leaflets, logo designs, and the set up for laser cutting and etching and vinyl sticker labels. Photoshop was used to edit the images seen on the flower packets.
Dimensions: 30.2cm (L) x 11cm (W) x 9.5cm (H)
Bee Hotel includes bamboo stems, D-ring hangers and screws, rope, pollinator friendly flower packets, assembly instructions, and raw honey as a treat to eat!
Bee Hotel is divided into two compartments. The first compartment is a nesting and breeding site for solitary bees who naturally make nests for their offspring in hollow stems of plants and wood. This nesting site is made from bamboo stems with different hole diameters to accommodate different sizes and species of bees.
The second compartment serves as a container to all other items in the package, but also turns into a small planter where users can grow one of the seeds included in the package to provide pollen, nectar, and flowers to pollinate.
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