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Je yeon Hwang
Hongik University, Korea
Motion Graphics
Category Winner

I'll pay my respects for all people who gave me the "INSPIRATION". Always have been. And always will be.

personal work / identity motiongraphic, 2015
With the logo of Je yeon Hwang(composed with alphabet ‘H, J, Y’), he worked Identity Motion graphic with 32 different whole different concepts. It is a mixed work of 2D, 3D, and Cinematography, and focused on 32 each section to not to show similar feeling. Also, in this work, he applied different styles he never tried, rather than stick to previous styles.
It is a very interesting attempt to trying different experiments and works with designer’s own logo. On the other hand, it is the most efficient way to introduce themselves to the public. And, would that be more fun if they can express it in the form of motion graphic that moves in different styles on the thousands of frame that passes very quickly? In this respect, Je yeon Hwang worked on this Identity Motion graphic, and named it “varidentity” which a mixed word of “Various” and “Identity”
[8 bit]

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